My Published Writings

My first published short story, Cedar Mountain, was published in the fall of 2009 in an e-zine called Beat To A Pulp. At the moment, the archive is being reconstructed and as soon as it is completed, I will repost the link.

In the meantime, please check out my 2nd published short story, Red Stripe, which was published in the June 1, 2011 issue of the bi-monthly e-zine The Cynic Online Magazine.

If you've found my stories to be pleasing to the palate, please check out my self-pubbed chapbook entitled "Betrayed!", available through me at Books By G. B. Miller.

And if e-books are your bag, please check out my latest release:

Available at Smashwords

The Legal Disclaimer

All the content that you see here, except for the posting of links that refer to other off-blog stories, is (c) 2008-17 by G.B. Miller. Nothing in whole or in part may be used without the express written permission of myself. If you wish to use any part of what you see here, please contact me at