Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Randomy Randomness

*Credit goes to Lisa of Journal of Random Tangents for the first use of this blog post title

Normally on Wednesday, I would present some kind of writing related post here. However, I've been on roll attitude-wise since Furlough Friday, so I thought I would present some random tidbits from the vast arena that is my life, in the hopes that my good 'tude would somehow flavor these random tidbits that are being served up hot and steamy for your consumption (eating that is, not the old time term for tuberculosis).

#1: Synopsis. Like I mentioned on Sunday, I started working on my synopsis on Friday and at the moment, it currently stands at 7 pages with 2 1/2 chapters left to summarize. Along the way, thanks to M&M, I rediscovered what outline is. I also came up with a question that hopefully someone out there could answer, especially since that this is only the first draft for my synopsis.

The guideline I found says to write the synopsis in third-person present tense. I think I got that down, but does that mean that I can't use pronouns in it? I seem to be having an issue with continuity and flow, and I think a lot of it has to do with me flipping back and forth between using names and pronouns.

#2: Doctors. This past Monday (11/29) I had a eye doctor's appointment and when all was said and done, my doctor threatened to drop me as a patient. My crime? Not wanting to have a particular test done. Now normally, I don't have a problem having a particular medical test done on me, so long as I'm given some kind of advance notice that this test is going to take place. But if you tell me less than one minute after I sit down in the exam chair that I'm gonna have a particular procedure and then hand me a clipboard telling me to sign a release form, chances are that I'm gonna balk at having the test done.

Suffice to say, I told him that I didn't want to have the test done with the main reason being that I don't like having tests sprung on me like that. He then proceeded to throw a temper tantrum, told me that it was imperative to have the test done, that if I didn't have it done or if I didn't agree with his course of treatment, he would drop me as a patient. He also said a few other things but we'll put those aside for the time being. I kept my cool, let him do his thing and made an appointment in March to supposedly have this test done.

However, the reality is this: I have been a patient with this particular medical organization (pediatrics and eyes) since I was six months old. I'm 45, which means I've been there longer than anyone there has been practicing medicine, doctor or nurse. I've outlasted two of my original doctors, was dumped on this doctor by a third and I can almost guarantee you that I will be seeing someone new prior to that appointment in March.

#3: Writing Contest. Since 2006 I've been entering a writing contest sponsored by the White Eagle Coffee Store Press called the Long Story Contest, International and every year I naturally don't win or get a mention. Why do I mention this now? Exactly 11 months after I entered the 2009 version of this contest, I received a copy of the winning story entitled Along The Highway by Barry W. North.

Now, I haven't read this thing yet, but from the blurb on the title page, it seems like it would be interesting read, so I may do a book review on it later. However, this snippet isn't about that, it's about the fact that finally after four years of entering mediocre (in my opinion) short stories for this contest, I finally have one that I feel very confident about entering. Problem is that its about 5,000 words too long for the contest. Word count is 8K-14K and mine taps out at 18,5K.

Sometimes it just don't pay to polish a story.

#4: Well, I haven't quite thought of a number 4 yet. I suppose I could mention that I'm doing another batch of writing contests for my two of my shorts and my novel. I suppose that I could also mention that my department is slowly getting marginalized at work (never a good thing). But instead, I'll mention this: A poll!

If you're looking at the front page (if you're viewing this through a reader or the e-mail you'll have to click through the link), you will see a small poll stashed at the top of the blog. On it you will have four choices for Monday's blog post: a post about Shades of Love; a post about a recent event in my life; a post about YA authors; and a post about blogs.

Vote early and vote often because you know its just for fun. Also, to make things ridiculously easy (or hard, take you pick), I will give you the post titles in the poll and yeah, the titles should give you a large enough sledgehammer hint to play with.

Sometimes, it's good be G, because you know, the radio did roll me.


  1. That's kind of bizarre about the doctor threatening to drop you as a patient. Geeze it sounds like he overreacted a bit.

  2. Lots of good stuff going on here. I've been in that place more than once, when I have to substantially cut a wordcount from a project. I'd say that in every instance, no matter how strong my resistance, it was ALWAYS worth it. It really tightens the story. So I'd say, go for it with the short story polish.

  3. The post you closed comments on I had plenty to say...this one..I got nothing.haha

  4. That is inexcusable behavior for a doctor. I don't blame you for putting that off - very often certain treatments affect your vision for days. I can never work the next day after my eyes have been dialated.

    An eye doctor snapped at me once that "he couldn't see it (the eye chart) for me." And I never went back to him again.

  5. I don't blame you for not agreeing to a test you had no knowledge about. The doctor's reaction was totally unprofessional, I think.

  6. I scanned through your bit about doctor's, due to my phobia. Scanned... get it?

    Ok I'll shut up and vote on your poll.

  7. Cool, a random post! Thanks for the link, G! :) How funny that the day I finally decide I'm feeling settled enough to sit down and write for my blog/read a few other blogs, is the same day you give me a random thought shout out! My timing is so great... :)

  8. Oh Georgie, sigh, I understand your hesitation to have any test done that is sprung on you. These days, clinics and doctors do well when they schedule tests. Of course, many are necessary and some, well, my doctor has to give me VERY GOOD reasons why I might be at risk, need it done or their concerns. THEN, I'll think about it. I didn't want a sleep test. My doctor, a young barely out of her teens asked if she could give me the reasons why. I did, she did and she talked me into it. After filling out the 13 page questions prior to going I'm still not sure I have a problem
    You are alsolutely right, you need time, time to research the test, think about why YOU need it, maybe even get a second opinion. I don't blame you for being upset and shame on the doctor for acting out. :)Bea

  9. Charles: It's very strange. But I don't think its something out of the ordinary for this guy or this practice. I say about 75% of the patients here are above the age 55 with the remaining 25% usually anywhere from 10 to 20 years below my age bracket, so they're probably used to people accepting what they're told to do with no questions ask. I am, to say the least, not a normal patient.

    Joanne: This particular story I wrote was the reverse. I had about a half dozen continuity and plot holes in the story, so I proceded to both tighten up some loose spots and expand chunky spots in the story. By the time I finished, it grew by about 4,5K/8 pages. I'm very proud of this story and once I fix a few more minor glitches that a friend pointed out, I'll start looking for places to submit.

    Bearman: Awwwhhh...I was so looking for foward towards your witty repartee'.

    Lynn: The doctor who took over for my original eye doctor when he retired got upset with me when I didn't want to get my eyes dialated during a early afternoon appt so he suggested that the next time I come in, I should arrive by taxi.

    My other main concern was the potential side effects from the dye which basically were the type that would have you saluting the porcelain gods for the next day or so.

    Talon: It was exceptionally unprofessional. As a matter of fact, when I told my wife about it, the first thing she asked was if I lost my temper, because I'm a notorious hothead when it comes to things like this. Fortunately for him, I didn't.

    Joe: Sorry, I didn't know about your phobia. And yes, I did get the lighthearted joke. :D

    And thanks for voting.

    Lisa: You are more than welcome. When I was first thinking about writing this post, yours was the first that popped into my head for a blog title.

    As they say, timing is everything. :D

    Bea: With all the health problems I got (diabetes, vision and CMT), I actually have no problem in having tests performed on me, so long as I have enough notice to prepare for them.

    Pop something on me with no notice, then I get annoyed and muleheaded.

  10. I hear it helps to have longer n shorter versions of the same stories to pull out of the get published file.
    Change that hostile eye doctor in ASAP. I wouldn't agree to anything with a release attached to it, or would impede my ability to get myself home, or have a short-tempered person with my life in their hands!
    I have dumped docs before over the temper issue. A loss of trust there- Old n familiar is easier, but not in that case.
    I voted-

  11. M: He is at that. And yes, I can probably guess which one you're voting for.

    Snaggle: What you say is probably true, but I've found that with most of my stories, any shorter versions that I have are usually chock full of problems. So by the time I finish fixing them, they ofter grow larger than what they were originally. Plus they actually make sense.

    I definitely intend to change that doctor. I honestly do not need that kind of grief in my life with the type of health problems I have.

  12. It can be scary to have to sign those release forms. I've signed more than I can remember for various reasons in my day, and I am always leery.

    Hope you ar well today, G, my good buddy?


  13. Jannie: I'm more than used to signing release forms, especially for various health problems over the preceding decades, so long as I have a thorough understanding as to why I'm signing the form to begin with.

    If I don't, I don't. And until I do, I dig my heels in until I find out otherwise.

    I'm doing pretty much okay. Everything has been almost status quo. I'm starting to have a bad case of the dropsies as it applies to my hands and it's been tougher to get out of bed and become a functioning unit for the day, but we're still plugging away just the same.

    Thanks for asking.


Go on, give me your best shot. I can take it. If I couldn't, I wouldn't have created this wonderful little blog that you decided to grace with your presence today.

About that comment moderation thingy: While yes, it does say up above I can take it, I only use it to prevent the occasional miscreant from leaving thoughtless and/or clueless comments.

So remember, all of your comments are greatly appreciated and all answers will be given that personal touch that you come to expect and enjoy.

G. B. Miller

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All the content that you see here, except for the posting of links that refer to other off-blog stories, is (c) 2008-17 by G.B. Miller. Nothing in whole or in part may be used without the express written permission of myself. If you wish to use any part of what you see here, please contact me at